Monday, 5 October 2009

daily program of the third CU meeting

Thursday 08 October
Arrival in Bulgaria at Sofia airport. From there we take the bus to Haskovo

Friday 09 October
- Ice-breaking and getting to know each other, different name games
- Deeper explanation of the meeting, making 2 groups on:
- How to promote CU in 10 years at school and target groups
- designing the brochure
After Lunch : Start of the workshops: promotion and designing
Evening : Going to the youth centre in Haskovo for a CU in 10 years party

Saturday 10 October
After breakfast
- energizers
- Travelling to Plovdiv, sightseeing tour
- Dinner will be served at the location.
Evening : Cultural evening, games, informal moments

Sunday 11 October
After breakfast : energizers and ongoing with the 2 workshops
After lunch : games and ongoing with the 2 workshops
Evening : presentations of the 2 workshops and group present first draft of brochure and try out of the presentations

Monday 12 October
After breakfast : travelling to Haskovo and visiting the schools in Haskovo to present CU in 10 years
After lunch : Ongoing with the 2 workshops
Evening : games in the theme of CU in 10 years

Tuesday 13 October
After breakfast : energizers and evaluation in several groups
After lunch : Making final arrangements of future projects
Evening : Farewell party

Wednesday 14 October
Travelling back to Sofia airport