Monday, 16 March 2009

find here the written outcome of the APV

After discussing the main idea of CU in 10 years we all decided that the following topics are the main points that the youngsters should discus with the local policy makers.

1. Active European citizen (awareness)
2. Structure of youth councils
3. Passive Youth
4. Leisure time opportunities
5. School system and dropouts
6. Career opportunities
7. Volunteers
8. Alcohol and drugs
9. Xenophobia
10. Environmental awareness
11. Infrastructure improvement

After determining the topics it is now possible to take the following steps:

Step 1: talk about (with your youngsters, colleagues,)
Step 2: what can be the solution, arranging meeting with policymakers, street interviews, spread out the CU in 10 years idea, motivate other youth, arrange promotional activities
Step 3: arrange meeting with policy makers, what youth council/policy maker can do with youngsters in rural areas

After selecting the main discussion points, the participant from the APV worked out by a plenary brainstorming session the discussion points. The notes that where written on flip charts are fragments, statements and thoughts about the different topics.

After that we created 3 small groups to go deeper into the topic and challenge the partners to make questions and have a deeper discussing about the topics

The result of that can be seen on the next pages. First we show from every topic the outcome of the plenary brainstorm session and the outcome of the small groups. The outcome will form the basis for our next step in CU in 10 Years.

Topic 1. European Awareness volunteer (active citizenship)

Outcome of the brainstorm session
make budget available (Sufficient amount to be flexible to anticipate to new ideas)
Support EU-projects; make the community part of the changes.
Explain value of EU-activities
Give examples to the policy makers about project and where they take place school, youth club

Outcome of the small working groups
What do you know about possibilities for youngsters in Europe?
Do you have a budget to set up European projects?
What is the influence of Europe in your village?
Do you feel like a European?
How to improve the civil skill/attitude of young people?
How do you foresee the support for European projects? (Besides, budget, equipment/knowledge)
What are the preventive measures against youngsters leaving the local community?
What is more important for you, as a policy maker, European Awareness or local Awareness?

Topic 2. Structure for youth councils

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Important to share different views
Paying members/youth councils = budget
Platform for learning -> budget to increase knowledge
Involvement of city council members and policy makers in the youth council

Outcome of the small working groups

Is there a structure for youth councils in your area?
What does the Youth Council mean to you?
How do you see the further development and the future of the youth council and active youngsters?
What tools do you offer to youth council?
Do you trust a youth council with a budget????
Should the youth council be more independent financially from the local government?
Is the youth council paid for doing their job?
Can the youth council influence your decisions?
Does the youth council represent all the youngsters? (Do you think all the structures of youngsters are represented in the council?)
How serious you take the youth council?
How many youth representatives will be allowed to take part in the regular commission sessions?
Is there a municipal STRATEGY, for youth development in our region?
How would you motivate youth to participate?

Topic 3. Passive youth

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Inform youngsters
Involve personally
Activities should match youth lifestyle
Local (=easy accessible)
Safe/welcoming environment
Use key persons

Outcome of the small working groups
Definition of passive youth according to the group: unmotivated, isolated, don’t care, unaware of preferences, uninformed, have no opinions in youth matters
Again, it’s important to work out a common definition!
How do make passive youth, active?
How do you inform them about activities?
Do you think youth activities are fun? (for youth) -- are there enough?
Do you have enough alternative to reach passive youth?
Can youth meet each other in a welcoming, safe environment?
According to your opinion, why youngsters are passive in our community?
Do you think that passive youth is a problem?
How do you support organizations that handle the passive youth issue?

Topic 4. Leisure time opportunity

Outcome of the brainstorm session

Coaching young people to set up activities
Access for all
Information about activities
Young people manage BUDGET
City council and youth council should be informed about the needs of their target group and/or stakeholders
Start activities from things youth already likes. (Example (L.A.R.P) life active role play – can be a handy tool

Outcome of the small working groupsVet
In what activities you were involved when you were young?
How do you recognize the needs of leisure time opportunities for youth?
Do you know all the opportunities/activities etc. provide for youth in region?
How can the policy makers ensure that the activities are accessible for all?
Do you have enough budgets for leisure time activities? And for coaching young people to set up their own activities?
How do you inform youngsters about leisure time activities?
How do you think, how youngsters spend their free time in our community?
How many youngsters? (15-25)? Are in our municipality? And how many of them are active???

Topic 5. Drop-outs

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Cooperation with schools Link formal and non-formal education
Alternative for school -> activity
Prevention -> teachers aware of tutor system
Counseling in school
Cooperation with care-system
Use young “popular” people to change negative to positive

Outcome of the small working groups
How many dropouts we have in our municipality/ town/ village? (A definition for a drop-out)
Do (turn into an open question) you have any plan to prevent and decrease school drop-out?
If yes, what is the plan?
Did you achieve some results?
What other possibilities has a drop-out in our local area?
Do you think we have a working care-system? (Facts to support)
Do you have alternative for after school? Activities.
What kind of cooperation the schools provide?
What are the opportunities to link formal with non-formal education?

Topic 6. Career opportunities

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Try to tie people to the region because they have a good job there.
Information about possibilities
Contact with “ higher education and /or E-studies.
Structure internship

Outcome of the small working groups
What are the career opportunities for youth in our community?
Do you have preferences in hiring youngsters?
What are the consequences if youngsters don’t have a workplace? (Security network)
How do you ensure the employment of youngsters in private sector?
Are the youngsters informed about career opportunities?
Do you create working places for youngsters?
Do you think youngsters will leave the village if there aren’t enough career opportunities?
In what kind of working field are the main career/working opportunities for youngsters?
Is it a priority for government to decrease the local career opportunities?

Topic 7. Voluntary work

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Money for supportive measures
Connect with schools
Training courses
Moral support
Upgrade own development

Outcome of the small working groups
Do you know what is voluntary work?
How many organizations in our regions
Do you think there should be a person/institution responsible for implanting Volunteering work
How should volunteering work be recognized in youth development?
Do you promote volunteering among youngsters?
What kind of volunteering work would you personally?
Do you have a budget to support volunteers? If not then why?
Do you have an award for volunteers?
Do volunteers get points in school?
How the volunteers being recognized in the school, by authorities and by city counsel?

Topic 8. Alcohol and drugs

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Information - preventive the dangers of drugs use
safe and positive use for parents + youth
First AID by overdose

Outcome of the small working groups
How do you inform youngsters and parents about the influence of alcohol and drugs?
Do you know how many youngsters have problems with alcohol and drugs? Do you think it’s a problem?
What do you do about it?
Do you have training for youngsters and parent how to do first aid by alcohol and drugs?
Do the laws on alcohol and drugs work?
Do you cooperate with other organizations/ institutions in alcohol and drugs abuse prevention?
What should be the role of the youth councils in this matter?
What measures you use to control the implementation of the laws in this issue?
Through what structures you implement the measures?
Did you ever use drugs?
Do you have a policy about alcohol and drugs?

Topic 9. Xenophobia

Outcome of the brainstorm session
Create mixed (different cultural and social background) group with common interest
Brake stereotypes
Start with a successful group

Outcome of the small working groups
How many immigrants in the area?
How many minorities work in the city hall?
How do you ensure the social integration of minorities?
Do you have some preferences in hiring people?
What do you do to help minorities in your local communities?
Do you know how many different minorities do you have?
What do you do to break stereotypes?
Has the municipality provide measures to improve social integration?
Do you think it’s necessary to start a public discussion on this topic? (Is it an issue that should be talked about more?)

Topic 10. Environment Awareness

Outcome of the brainstorm session

Enough rubbish bins (regular cleaning)
Education to youngsters, parents and schools
Social (neighborhood) control
“Cool” information
Workshops: for example making art installation of rubbish

Outcome of the small working groups
What do you do to make young people aware of the environment?
Do you think there is a good social control in our village to keep it clean?
Do the people take care of the environment in our village?
Do you provide the right tools to keep the environment clean?
Do you cooperate with schools to make youth aware of environment problems?
Is environment a priority in your community?
How many eco-organization you know in your town dealing with pollution?
Have you ever taken part in ecological initiative?

Topic 11. Improve infrastructure

Outcome of the brainstorm session

Available for everyone
Make internet available in public places

Outcome of the small working groups
How is your public transport organized?
Do you think there is enough transport for youngsters in our village? How do you know that?
Is the transportation available for everyone?
Are there enough payable houses where youngsters can live?
How much a youngster spends per year to go to school by bus or train?

Do you promote public transport?
Do you provide youngsters discounts for public transport?
Do youngsters have an influence on timetable of the local public transport?
Is a duty for a youth council or Y-center to provide free internet access/local transport?

Next step
After coming back from the APV each partner will make the following steps:

· organizing meetings to recruited youngsters
· to inform them
· to discus the outcome of the APV
· to give feedback over the joint vision
· to discuss the subjects
· to create a working plan.

Leaders and youngsters plan regular meetings in order to created a suitable working plan. The youngster will be stimulated to think how they want to communicate with the policy makers. We are aware that this can be intense and it requires discipline and structure from all the partners. It’s possible to invite local experts on specific subjects. The budget will provide this and can be use to invite local experts and to organize meetings. Experts can be fund in managers of NGO, teacher and/or professors, local politicians, journalist, local radio and/or television makers, etc.
All this is to guide and to help the youngsters in their preparation and to add more structure towards the subjects. This whole first preparation will take place in the first month after coming back form the APV.

After the preparation, youth will start up a dialogue with the policy makers. The outcome of the dialogue will firstly discuss with the youth on local level and gather in special forms that are developed during the APV and will be shared with the other European partners.

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